Join Dr. Jane, the creator of Maximize Your Fertility Program, to uncover the underlying reasons behind your fertility challenges.
Through her program, you and your partner will undergo a thorough health assessment, including comprehensive lab testing. You will get a step-by-step plan tailored to your needs and you will receive 1:1 coaching from an expert in the field.
I Help Couples Overcome Infertility With Natural Medicine.
Get answers to your fertility struggles, so you can heal, conceive and bring a healthy baby home.
Pregnancy is a natural process - if it’s not happening (or sticking) something is missing.
And I know your doctor convinced you that:
Your eggs are too old to be ‘usable’.
Your, PCOS, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, POF, etc., has no cure.
There is nothing you can do to optimize your fertility.

“You better hurry up and do IVF before you miss your chance of having a family.”
The pressure is real and the clock is ticking away…
It’s an emotional rollercoaster and getting off feels like giving up. Which you’re just not willing to do.
I know that deep down in your heart, you know that something is missing and there has to be another way...
I’m glad that you’re here.
I’m Dr. Jane Levesque, and since 2020 I’ve been helping couples who have struggled to conceive for 1+ years, get to the root cause of their fertility issues, HEAL and conceive naturally.
The couples I work with have struggled with:
Unexplained Infertility
They’ve struggled to conceive for 1+ years without ANY explanations. They know something is off, but they don’t know what.
Health Obstacles
They’ve suffered from PCOS, Endo, adenomyosis, autoimmune conditions, male factor infertility, POF, etc.
Age Anxiety
They’re 30-43 years old and have been told their eggs/sperm is too old and they have low chances of conceiving naturally.
They’ve also spent years and thousands on:
Acupuncture treatments
Online fertility programs
Every diet under the sun
More exercise
Less exercise
With ZERO results to show for it…
So, I want to show you what they were missing, how I approach difficult infertility cases and why it works.
“We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility after 3 years of trying to get pregnant and our doctor gave us a 5% chance to conceive naturally.
No explanation, no guidance, just a crappy statistic. We were devastated but not ready to give up. We knew something was missing. We are so glad we found Dr. Jane.
She was so thorough with our assessment. She ran lots of lab work and found so many issues. Parasites, leaky gut, poor liver function, hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, high environmental toxic load.
It was a lot, but we were ready to get to work. For the first time through our fertility journey, we felt like we had a plan. The journey was long, but it was worth it.
After 13 months working with Dr. Jane, we conceived naturally. More importantly, our digestion has improved, our energy is better, our confidence is up, we are the healthiest we have ever been. Overcoming infertility was no easy task and we are so grateful for Dr. Jane’s guidance, we couldn’t have done it without her.”
-Mel & Justin

The truth is most doctors:
Don’t do enough testing - conventional doctors and fertility specialists aren’t looking for the root cause of your fertility struggles, they’re looking to see if you're a good candidate for IVF.
Don’t spend enough time with you - your conventional doctor sees 100+ patients a week. If it feels like you’re just another number, it’s because you are.
Don’t consider the impact of diet and lifestyle on your fertility - some doctors will go as far as to say that diet doesn’t matter, it won’t do anything to support your fertility.
When in reality…
You can run comprehensive lab testing that will show you exactly why you’ve been struggling to conceive for years.
Low nutrients, high environmental toxic load, poor digestion, chronic infections, immune system function, liver function and so much more - there are always ANSWERS, you just have to be willing to dig deeper.
You need to have a thorough health assessment for both you and your partner to make sure that no stone gets left unturned.
The health of you and your partner are directly related to your fertility. Sure, there are plenty of unhealthy people who are getting pregnant, but that’s not the pregnancy that you want...and I know you want to set your child up for success. It starts with the health of the egg and the sperm.
The food that you eat becomes your cells.
Your egg (and your partner’s sperm) are cells. And when you’re pregnant, the food that you eat will become your baby. When doctors say - your diet doesn’t matter - it’s the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard. Not to mention the studies and research showing how stress, environmental toxins, lack of exercise impacts your health and your fertility.
This is exactly what I help my patients with in my Maximize Your Fertility program.
“It wasn't easy, but I’m so glad that I stuck with it. I still can't believe I’m pregnant! And although, the beginning of the pregnancy was full of anxiety (because I was afraid to miscarry again), I’m grateful to have had and continue to have Dr. Jane's support. She has been such an incredible communicator and has guided us more than any other practitioner.”
- Christina & Ryan
“We struggled for 3.5 years and the conventional system was NO help. We got an unexplained infertility diagnosis and were told to do IVF. This is when we found Dr. Jane. She shed light on our infertility struggles from the first appointment. We finally had some answers and a plan to move forward with. We got pregnant within 3 months of working with her.”
- Ange & Ted

And here’s how I do it…
The 3 step process that I use to get my patients pregnant naturally even when their doctor’s told them it’s impossible:
The first step in my Maximize Your Fertility program is to get you a personalized explanation as to why you haven’t been able to conceive.
I take time with each one of my patients to listen to their stories, assess their symptoms and review their past medical history.
I use comprehensive, functional lab testing to assess gut function, immune system function, environmental toxic load, hormone function, nutrient status and much more.
I use data - like heart rate, heart rate variability, sleep quality - to assess overall stress on the body.
Pregnancy is a natural process, so if it’s not happening something is missing.
I promise you that answers are out there. You’re NOT broken, your body just isn’t ready yet. Nobody taught you how it works or how to take care of it.
Once you have answers, we come up with a strategic plan.
Each couple has their own unique challenges. I prioritize your specific needs and reassess as we go.
Because as your body heals and changes, your plan has to reflect this.
The biggest mistake I see couples make is stick to the same plan for months if not years at a time.
If you went to the gym and did the same workout over and over again, eventually your body would adapt and you would stop getting results. The same thing happens with supplements, diet/lifestyle.
As your body heals, your needs will change. You have to adapt your protocols to continue the growth.
It’s not a matter of if things are going to get tough, it’s a matter of when. Having the right support and guidance is critical to keep you on track.
Infertility is tough.
Healing is tough.
Making sense of it all is tough.
Having a fertility expert work with you every step of the way, makes the journey easier.
I change supplement protocols on a monthly basis to progress my couples forward in their journey. We meet on a regular basis (every two weeks) to assess progress, address red flags and help with implementation. And I give my patients access to message me any time they have a question.
I want you to feel supported. I want you to succeed. I want you to build the family of your dreams.
“Working with Dr. Jane involved a multifaceted approach, and constant guidance and support.
The 3 main things we did to help me overcome period pain and conceive within 4 months were: functional lab work and data tracking; high quality supplementation personalized to my labs/data, and significant changes to my lifestyle and environment.
I am deeply grateful for all of Dr. Jane's knowledge and resources. I feel better than I have in years and have had a very healthy start to my pregnancy so far.”
- Laura & Taylor
“I was diagnosed with endometriosis and had awful periods for as long as I can remember. My medical doctor had no solutions for me except birth control, and when it came to starting a family, she said “let’s hope you are one of the lucky ones.”
I am so glad I found Dr. Jane. She ran lab work, helped me clean up my diet, improve my sleep, detox, clean up my environment, and after 6 months working together, my periods were no longer painful and shortly after, I got pregnant. I am eternally grateful for Dr. Jane’s guidance, I couldn’t have done it without her.”
- Catherina & Dan
Maximize Your Fertility is for you if you:
Want to feel like you're on this journey together with your partner.
The male partner is often left out of appointments, told that everything is normal and that there’s nothing he needs to do to improve the chances of conceiving as a couple.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
I want you and your partner to understand sperm analysis and make sure that you’re both doing everything you can to conceive naturally and carry to term.
Believe that a natural pregnancy is possible for you.
You’re ready to do what it takes to heal and conceive naturally, you just need some answers and expert guidance.
You’re tired of following diet trends, flipping your life upside down, taking handfuls of supplements and not seeing results.
You’re ready for a thorough assessment and a detailed plan customized to you to help you reach your goals.
Refuse to put your body through hell in order to conceive naturally.
It just doesn’t feel right to pump yourself full of synthetic hormones and other medications to achieve a healthy pregnancy.
You know your symptoms (painful periods, fatigue, bloating, anxiety, weight loss resistance, etc) are connected to your infertility struggles, you just haven’t found anyone who's been able to put it all together for you.
You’re ready to commit to the process of healing.
Bringing a child into this world is the greatest gift, but also the hardest thing you will ever do.
After having a family member struggle with infertility and experiencing a miscarriage myself, I realized how little support and education couples receive when it comes to infertility.
I’m on a mission to change that.
A sneak peak into Maximize Your Fertility
This is how Dr. Jane can help you overcome infertility and conceive naturally:
Conduct a proper health assessment, learn how to track your health data and run comprehensive labs. You can’t do anything without answers.
Clean up your environment. Endocrine disrupting chemicals are everywhere - learn how to avoid them and protect your future babies.
Build a strong foundation - learn how to optimize your sleep, nutrition/digestion, hydration, movement and stress management.
Detox, detox, detox - avoiding environmental toxins isn’t enough. Learn how to detox and optimize your detoxification organs.
Optimizing egg/sperm quality and overall health. Your egg and your partner’s sperm create your future baby - this cannot be overlooked.