Beyond Basic Bloodwork
The Critical Labs You Need to Uncover Hormone Issues (And Optimize Your Fertility)
In-depth Masterclass on how to approach hormonal imbalances, so you can heal your for good.
If your practitioner has given you the diagnosis of ‘hormone imbalances’ and stopped the conversation there… You’re not alone.
In my 10 years of practice as a Naturopathic doctor, I have seen so many women overlooked and misdiagnosed, leading them down the wrong treatment pathways, wasting thousands of dollars and years of their time, just to end up back where they started (or worse).
And since specializing in fertility, I have noticed a huge gap in knowledge of how to assess and treat women’s hormones. Women are pushed into invasive treatments like IVF without an understanding WHY they are having a hard time conceiving in the first place.
The truth is: getting a proper assessment should be the backbone to any treatment. That includes invasive procedures like IVF/IUI (if fertility is your goal), but also dietary and lifestyle changes, supplement recommendations, stress management techniques, biohacks and everything in between. You can’t make an effective action plan without answers.
I created this Masterclass and comprehensive guide to empower you to get the answers that you need so you can have a clear path forward.
“We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility after 3 years of trying to get pregnant and our doctor gave us a 5% chance to conceive naturally.
No explanation, no guidance, just a crappy statistic. We were devastated but not ready to give up. We knew something was missing. We are so glad we found Dr. Jane.
She was so thorough with our assessment. She ran lots of lab work and found so many issues. Parasites, leaky gut, poor liver function, hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, high environmental toxic load.
It was a lot, but we were ready to get to work. For the first time through our fertility journey, we felt like we had a plan. The journey was long, but it was worth it.
After 13 months working with Dr. Jane, we conceived naturally. More importantly, our digestion has improved, our energy is better, our confidence is up, we are the healthiest we have ever been. Overcoming infertility was no easy task and we are so grateful for Dr. Jane’s guidance, we couldn’t have done it without her.”
-Mel & Justin
(Maximize Your Fertility Program Patients)
In this Masterclass, I walk you step-by-step through:
How hormones work and why it’s imperative that you test them.
The 8 tests that I run on my patients to get to the root cause of their hormonal imbalances, and then heal for good.
The top frequently asked questions I receive around labs (i.e. where to get labs, who should interpret them, how much does it cost, how often do I re-run tests, etc.)
And as a bonus, I’ve also included the optimal ranges for bloodwork (USD and CAD). Normal doesn’t mean healthy. If you want to have healthy hormones, you need to have your blood markers in optimal ranges.
Pre-recorded Masterclass & Complimentary Workbook
$9.99 UNTIL DEC 3RD, 2024
$9.99 UNTIL DEC 3RD, 2024 -
“It wasn't easy, but I’m so glad that I stuck with it. I still can't believe I’m pregnant! And although, the beginning of the pregnancy was full of anxiety (because I was afraid to miscarry again), I’m grateful to have had and continue to have Dr. Jane's support. She has been such an incredible communicator and has guided us more than any other practitioner.”
- Christina & Ryan
(Maximize Your Fertility Program Patients)
“We struggled for 3.5 years and the conventional system was NO help. We got an unexplained infertility diagnosis and were told to do IVF. This is when we found Dr. Jane. She shed light on our infertility struggles from the first appointment. We finally had some answers and a plan to move forward with. We got pregnant within 3 months of working with her.”
- Ange & Ted
(Maximize Your Fertility Program Patients)

Dive Into the Beyond Basic Bloodwork Masterclass and Leave With:
Stop wasting time and money on supplements that don’t work. Instead get a deeper understanding about what’s CAUSING your imbalances in the first place so you can start healing.
Plus, learn the optimal ranges for blood work. You may have been told that “everything is normal” and “this is just the way you are”…nothing could be further from the truth. You haven’t actually scratched the surface with testing and what you have tested is barely in range. It’s time to take your health into your own hands.
I know you are tired of taking supplements and not noticing any difference. I know you are tired of working so hard for such little return. I know your frustrated that no practitioner has been able to help you thus far. I get it trust me. The truth is, you AREN’T crazy, you just don’t know what the root cause of your hormone imbalances is. And I want to help you get the clarity you need so you can BREATHE again, and focus on a path forward.
Once you can identify the WHY behind your hormonal imbalances, and have an understanding of what your markers NEED to look like, you can build out an action plan to HEAL. There is so much power in having answers, this is step one on your journey to feeling your best an progressing forward on your fertility journey, if that is your focus right now.
This Masterclass is For You if:
You’re currently struggling with hormonal imbalances (thyroid, blood sugar, stress, PMS, hormonal acne, anxiety/depression, painful periods, stubborn weight, unwanted hair growth, thin/brittle hair, cellulite, etc.).
You want to have babies in the next 1-3 years OR you’re trying to prevent menopausal symptoms.
You are determined to identify the root cause behind your symptoms and are willing to invest the time, effort and money into healing.
You want to feel confident in your body and get off the hamster wheel of trying different supplements and strategies, just to struggle every cycle.