My Story

Hi, I’m Dr. Jane Levesque, a Naturopathic Doctor and Fertility Expert. My goal is to help you identify and treat the root cause of your infertility.

So many women come to me feeling hopeless, overwhelmed, misunderstood, and at their wits end with the conventional medical approach. They’re tired of…

  • Getting nowhere

  • Having no answers and no explanations

  • Being brushed off

  • Investing into procedures that don't work

  • Waiting


My goal is to create a totally different experience for you, where you feel empowered and in control of your fertility journey.

  • I will listen to your story

  • I will make sure your partner is on board

  • I will go through your test results with you to help you make sense of it all

  • I will dig deeper to get you answers

  • And I will come up with a plan based on data and science to restore your health and boost your fertility


The Opening Act


I’m the mom of two beautiful girls. Getting pregnant for the first time was incredibly easy, but I didn’t prepare for it, and felt very sick as a result. I was so uncomfortable in my own body that I thought: “Wait a minute, pregnancy can’t be this debilitating. There has to be a better way!”

So, I put on my naturopath hat and decided to prepare for my next pregnancy very carefully. I did my homework, boosted my nutrients, took my supplements, changed my exercise routine-the works.

Physically, I was in excellent shape. But as a couple, my husband and I weren’t in the right place to bring a life into this world. We were very stressed and had so much going on that we tried to schedule this pregnancy in, no matter how unnatural it felt. 


The Turning Point


My second pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, and my heart sank.


I felt broken, lost, and utterly confused. How could this happen to me? How could my body fail me when I needed it the most? Could I keep trying and risk going through this excruciating pain again?

I turned to medical providers searching for answers but quickly learned I was on my own. I had to be my own doctor. After extensive research and lab testing, I realized I hadn’t considered how high stress could impact my pregnancy. It led to poor digestion, nutrient deficiencies, and hormone imbalances, which may have all potentially contributed to my miscarriage.

I understood that although I was trying to do everything “right” with my physical health, I underestimated the mental and emotional components that go into creating a life. I couldn’t just pencil this in, I needed space to be present throughout the process.



The Shift


I recognized I had to make some changes. I relied on my support network and mindfulness practices to grieve and heal. I fine-tuned my supplements to account for essential building blocks and reinforced my diet with nutrient-rich foods. Most importantly, I stopped scheduling intercourse and relying on an app to track my ovulation.

I followed my intuition and regained trust in my body. Once I let go of my expectations and leaned into the experience, I felt ready to try again.

Three months later, I was pregnant, and nine months later, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.


Why Do I Do This?

After going through such a transformative experience and seeing how other friends, relatives, and patients struggled with fertility issues, I decided to help.

If you feel hopeless, stuck, and neglected by the conventional medical system, I’m here for you.

I want to help you take control of your health, optimize your fertility, and build the family you dream of.

You just have to commit to the process.