Astonishing Facts About Egg Quality & Boosting Natural Fertility - Ep. 108

In this episode, Dr. Jane Levesque, a naturopathic doctor and natural fertility expert, delves into the intricacies of female fertility, focusing on the critical role of the oocyte (egg cell) and mitochondrial health. She explains the generational impact on fertility, emphasizing how the health of our grandmothers can affect our own reproductive health. Dr. Levesque discusses the importance of mitochondrial function in egg quality and offers insights into how to optimize it through lifestyle changes, stress management, and targeted supplementation. She also highlights the limitations of conventional treatments and the need for a holistic approach to truly restore fertility. Tune in for practical tips and expert advice on enhancing fertility naturally.

Work With Dr. Jane

STOP wasting time and suppressing your anxiety. Let's navigate your fertility journey together, so you can feel more confident and prepared for this next BIG chapter of your life. In Fertility 101, you'll join Dr. Jane, the creator of the Maximize Your Fertility Program, to learn how to enhance your fertility naturally. Participate in bi-weekly calls with Dr. Jane and learn alongside a private community of women on similar journeys. JOIN HERE

Every month, Dr. Jane works directly with two couples to help them identify and overcome the root cause of their infertility. ⁠APPLY TODAY⁠

Key Insights

00:00:28: Introduction and Personal Story

00:02:15: Understanding the Oocyte

00:05:45: Mitochondria's Role in Fertility

00:09:30: Generational Impact on Fertility

00:13:20: Mitochondrial Health and Hormone Production

00:17:10: Environmental and Physical Stressors

00:21:00: Nutrients for Mitochondrial Health

00:25:30: Importance of Proper Testing and Protocols

00:27:58: Conclusion and Call to Action

Memorable Quotes

Our ovaries are developed when our grandmothers are pregnant with our mothers. And because basically 100% of our mitochondria is passed on from our mother, what we need to understand is the history and the health and the well-being, not just of our mother, but of our grandmother, especially during pregnancy.
I encourage you to make your fertility journey your healing journey, because your healing journey should be all about regaining trust in your body, regaining confidence in your body, really learning and understanding how it works.
Taking progesterone is not going to fix that. And so we have to start looking at a bigger picture. So then we can, number one, truly heal ourselves, but number two, stop passing generational disease onto the next generation.
When I see, for example, a lot of my unexplained infertility cases, they have insane levels of environmental toxins, and usually they’re anxious, they have digestive issues, whether it’s constipation or loose stools or nausea.
— Natural Medicine and Fertility

Deciphering Unexplained Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: The Ultimate Guide - Ep. 109


Dr. Gabe Roberts - Why Emotional Trauma Healing is the Subconscious Key to Natural Fertility - Ep. 107